hypocrite's conscious

Boring boring blog.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Khidmat negara!

So there I was watching hot guys in the olympics dive then all of a sudden Chel calls me and tells me tht the NS results is out! She scared me off my seat weih! So I asked her to check for me and tiba-tiba she said her com got problem! I was so bladdy nervous and of all the time for her com to have problem, it was tht sec. ish-ness. After a while, she said I am safe! I didn't kena NS. So after tht, I decided to go online and I found this call centre which I dialed the number. Some typical M*l*y government servant lady picked up the phone and told me that the results is actually not out yet and she told me to check on friday and when I told her that my friend just checked it for me she said in a very "i hate my job" tone "tak de. Belum keluar lagi. Hari jumaat baru keluar." I was so irritated by her! And when I told everyone, this was the response.

NS list out[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:
this current list wrong
NS list out[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:
corect list is friday
...~~**MonkeYee**~~... >> i can drive!! XD my pc is alive!!! says:
who say
[c=22][NlRc] -XeNo- r3cePti0neR[/c=21] says:
how sure u r
[c=#671FC0]+*¨^¨*+ Ãm룡å™+*¨^¨*+ [/c] says:
how u know
[NLRC] ÑêmÕÇhèL with BLuE eyes.. =) everybody, sunblock for burfday present please..thank you.. says:
know wsy
NS list out[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:
candy call
[NLRC] ÑêmÕÇhèL with BLuE eyes.. =) everybody, sunblock for burfday present please..thank you.. says:
know edy
.candice. says:
i called the call centre
NS list out[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:
candy call the fela

I kena NS. Shut up if you didnt.-PRIS has left the conversation.

[NLRC] ÑêmÕÇhèL with BLuE eyes.. =) everybody, sunblock for burfday present please..thank you.. has left the conversation.

[NlRc]-XeNo- WannaBeEd =] says:
all oso wrong o.O
...~~**MonkeYee**~~... >> i can drive!! XD my pc is alive!!! says:
r u sure
NS list out[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:
sure ? wrong
.candice. says:
[c=#671FC0]+*¨^¨*+ Ãm룡å™+*¨^¨*+ [/c] says:
.candice. says:
i called the call centre
NS list out[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:
like this meh knn
...~~**MonkeYee**~~... >> i can drive!! XD my pc is alive!!! says:
r u sure?????
[c=22][NlRc] -XeNo- r3cePti0neR[/c=21] says:

.candice. says:
[c=22][NlRc] -XeNo- r3cePti0neR[/c=21] says:
still got chance
[NlRc]-XeNo- WannaBeEd =] says:
okok we jus hav to wait till friday n see
.candice. says:
NS list out[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:
swt -.-
[NlRc]-XeNo- WannaBeEd =] says:
but i think the chance that we kena oso very high
[NlRc]-XeNo- WannaBeEd =] says:
...~~**MonkeYee**~~... >> i can drive!! XD my pc is alive!!! says:
...~~**MonkeYee**~~... >> i can drive!! XD my pc is alive!!! says:
coz the names r inside already
.candice. says:
and when the results come out is fro all the batch
NS list out[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:
[NlRc]-XeNo- WannaBeEd =] says:
ya lor.. they sure lazy to rearrange
NS list out[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:
come out newspaper rite
.candice. says:
not the first one only
NS list out[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:

I kena NS. Shut up if you didnt.-PRIS has been added to the conversation.

NS list out[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:

i just called the call centre. the person said the results is actually wrong. have to check on friday! *quote candice* says:

[c=22][NlRc] -XeNo- r3cePti0neR[/c=21] has left the conversation.

FAKE NS LIST . ORI LIST=FRIDAY[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:
...~~**MonkeYee**~~... >> i can drive!! XD my pc is alive!!! says:
sekali all no name de kena
FAKE NS LIST . ORI LIST=FRIDAY[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:
means haven pass danger zone
...~~**MonkeYee**~~... >> i can drive!! XD my pc is alive!!! says:
all got name de tak kena
...~~**MonkeYee**~~... >> i can drive!! XD my pc is alive!!! says:

FAKE NS LIST . ORI LIST=FRIDAY[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:
like this dulan
Pris is panic'ing. wait for Friday. says:
...~~**MonkeYee**~~... >> i can drive!! XD my pc is alive!!! says:
i will laugh until my stomach koyak
FAKE NS LIST . ORI LIST=FRIDAY[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:
i migrate to afghanistan
[NlRc]-XeNo- WannaBeEd =] says:

...~~**MonkeYee**~~... >> i can drive!! XD my pc is alive!!! says:

...~~**MonkeYee**~~... >> i can drive!! XD my pc is alive!!! says:
go ba

[NlRc]-XeNo- WannaBeEd =] has left the conversation.

Pris is panic'ing. wait for Friday. says:
this proves another point. our gov sucks
Pris is panic'ing. wait for Friday. says:
list oso can fake one
Fung Khiang says:
yes yes
Pris is panic'ing. wait for Friday. says:
stupid shit
Fung Khiang says:
Fung Khiang says:
i am lost lol
Fung Khiang says:
Pris is panic'ing. wait for Friday. says:
i just called the call centre. the person said the results is actually wrong. have to check on friday! *quote candice*

Pris is panic'ing. wait for Friday. says:
FINAL NS LIST=FRIDAY[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:
FINAL NS LIST=FRIDAY[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:
but i think the friday list aso wont lari to anywhre
Pris is panic'ing. wait for Friday. says:
Pris is panic'ing. wait for Friday. says:
just pray more.

FINAL NS LIST=FRIDAY[c=#2704B5]∞LêmÕñZ∞©[/c] http://ifonlylemonscanfly.b... says:


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