hypocrite's conscious

Boring boring blog.

Monday, July 21, 2008

more photos again...

blue belt. expensive shit.

roland and i

what we had after the dinner just amongst the few of us..

good stuff

i didnt like it at all... but daddy liked it. this thing is more than 10 years old weih..

roland and my brother getting jiggy

as we were all dragged to dance

when everything was over. that's when roland starts getting super jiggy

the family

patrick, me, daddy, mommy, sis in law and jeremy.. an incomplete family photo.

my prawn

what was left of it

i thought it needed a friend

initially we were like what the f is that. it was fish la but it just looked weird
the one on the left.

the souvenir

pretty bottle and strong stuff.. to me at least...
cousin and his uncle. how cute right?
uncle's family.

the typical cina food. the pork served with mantou

our drinks. it's actually the dry gin mixed with juice la..

mom, me, Roland, Chris and Jeremy
me and uncle in the background.

his Mohawk makes me go gaga

i couldn't resist his sepet cuteness

aunt and mom. seriously look like they came from the same biscuit mold weih

sis in law and Jeremy. don't they look adorable.

cousin Jasmine, Jenny, aunt Kim, cousin Jacqueline and i

Jay, Roland, Chris and Jeremy

the stupid smile...


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