hypocrite's conscious

Boring boring blog.

Friday, August 22, 2008

I believe I can fly~~

Today was fun, hectic, sad, mad, relaxing, boring, satisfying,disappointing, disgusting, dirty and most of all painful.

Dialog of the day-
1.Vincent and Candice: singing " I believe I can, I believe I can touch the sky..."
Candice: What comes after that?
Vincent: I don't know. I only know the tune.
2. In chapter one.

To start of the day, I woke up around 1plus (hehe) and Adli came to pick me around 2.30. We were going to go have late lunch at Centrepoint then I'll go for my performance practice at 5. So when we were on our way there, in the car, he asked "So are you really leaving?"(to Aussie) I don't know whether it's just me or what, he looked sad. I replied "I am leaving, that's for sure I just don't know when." In my mind, "I really don't wanna leave cause I don't think I can leave everything behind just like that. Plus what if someone special comes in my life within this period of time right? I would definitely stay for that person considering how emotional and stubborn I can get." Sigh. Life sometimes suck. So after that, we said our goodbye at 4.40.

IT RAINED! Like crickets and roaches. ahahaha. Lame-ness taking over. I can't tahan myself sometimes. Okay so we had to practice in the middle of the walk way until some guard came and shoo(that how u spell it?) us away. Damn sad right? And then we went to Taman Mayang to practice. One word. EWWWWWWWW! It was greasy, dirty and just plain nasty. It's an underground car park btw. So we had to practice there and since we're cheerleaders we need to split on the floor, base flyers with their dirty dirty shoes, occasionally stepped by our flyers and if we flew, the bases and spotters greasy hand prints will be all over our WHITE SHIRT! I FLEW TODAY! YAY!

1. Shoulder stand on Marcus. It was hilarious cause I brought my cheer shoes (which I only use for performance, jumps and FLYING) And since it was still clean and Marcus wanted to go home with a clean t-shirt, after I changed shoes, Adila and Marcus carried me to our spot to ensure that my shoe doesn't get stained. Haha! And every time after we dismounted, I would tip toe and try my best to balance myself. One on occasion however, I dismounted a bit senget to my left and on the balls of my feet. So I sprained it. I can neither flex nor point my toe. So I had it bandaged cause it was going to be a long practice. It is now extremely painful. The sucky thing is, tomorrow, I've got rehearsal for the show and the show is on Sunday! But it's not that bad. I hope. So we tried normal shoulder stand, liberty and hitch shoulder stand as well. In the end, Marcus's shirt was 90% cleaner than Chi Yen's shirt. Haha. We won! And boy was Chi Yen sad. But still Sze Wen told Marcus to shoulder stand another girl and it ended up dirty again.

2. Single leg elevator! Man Marcus and Chi Yen are strong. haha. They based me and I did heel stretch and arabesque( yes that is how you spell it, I checked) According to Adila, The first one I did was 90 degrees yo! haha let me brag la.. However the second one was too painful so it wasn't high.. x) It's a big thing for me you know, considering I don't fly and I love flying!

3. Single leg EXTENSION. The boys did it without me knowing. While prepping for elevator, Marcus suddenly yelled Extension!! and they went up. Scared the living daylight out of me but I must admit I do appreciate them doing that or else I wouldn't dared to do it again after that. The first one was good and Chi Yen went and brag to Wen then Wen wanted to see it. It failed a couple of times cause I was so scared but then we got it in the end. My strong boys! ahah

4. 180 elevator. This I must admit was quite easy cause we did it from load.

5. 180 EXTENSION. Wow this was a tiny bit harder but... WE GOT IT! Yay!!

After that we rested cause my kaki sakit la..

And the day before that, I did hand toss to chair!! So fun. I didn't understand how to do it at first but I was lucky I got big strong Shermund and we nailed it after that. We're gonna use it for the performance this Sunday. Yay.

We had to practice again cause U Sern just got back from Penang and was replacing Hayden. I am so amazed with him. He had to learn a new dance and routine and stunt sequence in like 10 minutes and he did it! Ah ma zing! So even after almost everyone left, we continued practicing until 11.30 I think. Then we had transport problem pulak. Aiyo! It's so irritating that I don't wanna talk about it. Magdalene Thomas is ah ma zing as well. She is so strong you know! I love her!

And now for the pictures of the day.

I finally get to watch it! the dvd is from Adila. Thank you!!!

My lunch and dinner.
Subway chocolate chip cookie! I like it!!

And I don't know where the hell I got these bruises from.
It fits the print of three fingers.Scary weih.


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