hypocrite's conscious

Boring boring blog.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I went to school today. hah! Unbelievable I know. So I went and see Pn.Shawlet and asked her when will I get my certificate for the public speaking competition because it's been a while ago already. It was in 21st June so it's almost a month already.And she said that she hasn't gotten any news nor received the cert. sigh. But she did tell me that I was in The Star yesterday and I was like "really???" Then she added on "just your name and the schools name" which I obviously don't care. I did get photos of it though. YES I know I'm acting jacoon(that how u spell it?) ok!

pictures of the day:
when Rachel gets free ice cream

A few days back, I sprained my knuckles. Stupid right!? I know! haha. So doing basket toss and show basket would hurt like mad. However, today I decided owh well just do it la. Which in the end, I got this.

A worse sprain. Now it's red, slightly swollen and painful


Blogger yoon said...

hey, guess who? =p i know how u feel.
immobilise it k. put icepack on it oso. =)

August 14, 2008 at 6:34 AM  

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