hypocrite's conscious

Boring boring blog.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Memories are such important parts of our lives don't you think? What comes to your mind when I say the word memory in front of you? Do you think of a loved one? Or perhaps the song memory. How about the memories that you are going to make in the future? Maybe a flashback of your closest friends. Reminisce with me. Remember that one lover's warm smile, loving voice, or the way your lover held you close and how that made you feel? Perhaps feeling him/her so close that you can feel his/her heartbeat racing against yours? Remember the sweetest words he/she said to you or the most hurtful words that sliced through your heart. Remember the biggest lie you ever told? Or the pain you caused by saying the most hurtful thing? Remember the days you spent with a good friend. Crying. Laughing. Do you feel the same way you did before? Reminiscing about the past can make you smile unknowingly or shed tears. Regardless whether it's tears of joy or otherwise. You know how people say that you learn from your mistakes in life? It's experiences that teach us some of the greatest lessons in life and it's the memories in life that you choose to take along in your journey through life that determines the decisions you make. Along that journey, you may lose or gain friends. And it's the decisions you make affected by the past experiences that will make or break you. I don't blame you for the way you feel or the things you said. I'm not angry. I wont lie to you. I was. Then, memories of you and I flooded my mind and I guess right now I'm just sad with the way things turned out. I'm sorry.


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